Written By: Platitude
Due to the nature of this article, it should be fairly obvious that there are spoilers abound.
No, I'm not talking about crack-pairings. This is a list devoted to the honest-to-goodness ships that we all wished would occur, but just never bore fruit, either due to the series ending too early, or just because the work's creator was clearly ignorant of the fantastic romance that could develop. You know what I'm talking about, don't deny it. I know that you have an air of cold disdain to keep, but you cannot honestly tell me that there isn't a pairing that you shipped like a madman, only to have it broken apart right before your very eyes. Well, this is a testament to those events which have left otaku the world over in the fetal position with depression, those that have become the basis of thousands of FanFictions ranging from epic masterpieces to the kind of dreck that most people refuse to acknowledge in any way.
Kiss her, you fool! KISS HER! |