Micha likes to think that she's a male and makes dick jokes every chance she gets. She also spends a lot of her time looking at sexy cosplayers while she sits in her lonely home at Maldives, wishing that some hot Italian cosplayer would scoop her in their arms and travel to the anime world where Yakushi Kabuto is a woman and Madara Uchiha is a supermodel.
Amber: [Co-founder] .
Amber is a female that is too old to join Morning Musume but too young to drink. She is based in O.C., California and thoroughly enjoys that anime conventions and Japanese amenities are at every corner. You'll be pleased to know she takes no advantage of that privilege. Opting for Chinese food and online shopping, she enjoys her hermit life.
Shiggins: [Admin].
When Shiggins gets up in the morning, then it's because it's manga day. Other than that, he doesn't care enough to get up. Whether it's creating ridiculous theories about how Tobi is connected to a Shino from the future, or giving reviews of his favorite manga, he always enjoys hearing words from cosplayers and non-cosplayers while located in Glasgow, Scotland.
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