Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to Fix the MCU's Content Issue - Categories!

"They should cancel it!"

Well they aren't going to, so let that joke and any others like it slide, okay? Once you've done so, join me as we discuss the biggest issues with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the best way I personally think would keep it relevant and easier for fans to handle; through the power of filing, organisation and tighter control!

I really hope his upcoming film tells us if Sam Wilson is the leader of the group. Or if there even is a group that exists anymore. What is going on?!

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Medaka Box is the Messiest Manga I've Ever Loved

Medaka Rox.

Medaka Box is a shonen manga from the distant faraway year of 2009, that ran for four years in Shonen Jump and has maintained a relatively small cult following. Having read it myself a few times now, I can honestly say that Medaka Box is one of the dumbest, strange and awkwardly-written manga I've seen... yet I kinda love it.

Kumagawa is the best. And yes, he could beat Goku.