Friday, July 29, 2016

My Hero Academia Chapter 101: The Girl Named Hatsume Mei Review

Written by: The Inquisitor

While Midoriya is still recovering from the rack attack, the gang reintroduce themselves to Hatsume. She could not care less, she has some babies to work on. That is, until Midoriya mentions costume upgrades. Now she's as excited as a fat kid in a pastry shop. Next, Power Loader appears. After he yells at Hatsume for messing up again, he takes the gang inside. The fun is about to begin.

The faces she makes are definitely the best part of this chapter

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Anime Review

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

Winter 2016 was a rather strange season for anime. On one hand, we had KonoSuba, a series about a guy who gets transported into a fantasy world and forms a party, only for them to not be very good at the whole adventuring thing. On the other hand, we had Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, a series about a guy who gets transported into a fantasy world and forms a party, only for them to not be very good at the whole adventuring thing. But here’s what’s interesting – they both came out at the same time, and their descriptions at the start of the series are identical, but they couldn’t be more different.

WARNING: Due to the nature of this series, it would be pretty much impossible to talk about the main themes and story beats without spoiling anything. Therefore, THERE WILL BE A COUPLE OF SPOILERS. I don’t like spoiling things in reviews, so I’ll try to keep such things to a minimum, but I make no promises.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Biggest 'Sausages' of Fairy Tail (As Voted by Fans)

Written by Shiggins

Well, we all knew this one was coming.

The fans asked for it, and so here we are. After the weird "Stone Age" chapter, the question of "sausage sizes" came up and I made a joke that I should do a poll about one... and then I was requested to actually do it, and here we are. You all voted in it, and here is my article about it. I don't know what else to say... let's just get this one over with so we can move on...

I can't look my family in the eye after writing this list...

Fairy Tail Chapter 495 Review - I'm Hungry as Hell

Written by Shiggins


As the group look down on the opposing army, I ask myself this important question: Why are they even blinking at this? We've seen them fight massive armies before, and those were easy! Am I the only one who remembers the Avatar arc, which sadly did not have Toph in it?! AM I?! At any rate, they see army and they're like "oh no, so scared, wah".

HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY TO FAIRY TAIL! (I like to think I helped this series get to where it is today.)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Danganronpa Anime Review

Danganronpa Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

If you’re a regular reader of our articles and Top 10 lists, then you’re probably aware that Shiggins is a large fan of the Danganronpa video game series (if you didn’t know this, you do now). And for a long time now, he has been getting on at me to get into the series. However, since I’m not one of the handful of people who own a PSVita, nor am I a member of the glorious PC gaming master race, the only way for me to experience Danganronpa is to watch the anime version. And since he formally requested that I review it, I was left with no choice.

Friday, July 22, 2016

My Hero Academia Chapter 100: Special Moves Review

Written by: The Inquisitor

While the students are all excited by the prospect of getting their own special moves, the teachers give a deep explanation about what exactly special moves are and how important they are for a hero. After that, Aizawa sends the students away to change into their costume. Next, everyone meets at a place called Gamma Gym.
Happy 100th, MHA.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Anime Review

KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

The whole ‘trapped in fantasy land’ genre has exploded in popularity in recent years, thanks in no small part to the hype surrounding Sword Art Online. Even so, I never particularly cared for these types of stories (again, thanks in no small part to the hype surrounding Sword Art Online). However, I had nothing better to do these past few days, so I decided to test the waters with KonoSuba, a ten-episode long anime about – you guessed it – a boy who gets transported to another world.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fairy Tail Chapter 494 Review - The Hill Extending Towards Tomorrow

Written by Shiggins

Now THIS feels like war!

Back to the best staring contest of my life, with sexual tension so thick you would need a chainsaw to cut through it, Zeref and Mavis haven't seemed to have moved from their spot since we last saw them. Now that's devotion, but this intensity manages to keep up throughout the entire chapter and I love it!

Go on! Kiss him, you fool!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

My Hero Academia Chapter 99: Goodbye Two Digit Numbers... From Now On, Three Digit Numbers! Review

Written by: The Inquisitor

That is a long ass title.

Anyway, back to the competition! Mineta has an inner monolouge about how he made it look like he, 
Iike the rest of the guys, wants to see the girls' rooms to make it fair. But of course, the little pervert just wants to go through their drawers. After that's over, the battle for "room king" continues. 

Yeah, I don't think you're fooling any of them

Summer 2016 Preview Guide

Summer 2016 Preview Guide
Written by ClayDragon Shiggins 

It's summer! And what better way to celebrate than by going on holiday, doing some sunbathing, and making the most out of life? Just kidding! We're sitting inside watching anime instead. And since the summer run of new shows has just started, we've written down our reactions to the first episodes of some of the more interesting shows. We haven't watched every new series (we're only human, after all), but hopefully this article will give you some idea of what shows to watch.

NOTE: If you've already read/seen the source material for any of these shows, please, please refrain from posting spoilers in the comments section.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Fairy Tail Chapters 492 & 493 Review - Elder Sister and Younger Sister & The White Dragneel

Written by Shiggins

Finally free to write about this... oddness.

As everyone stands in confusion from having heard the voice, Gajeel speaks as well and is accidently heard by the entire Guild, including his future waifu and his kitty. Now, they're all moving together, but Mirajane and Lisanna are ambushed by the wonder twins of Eileen. Ropes from the dark one, and sticky slime from the white one. Mirajane activates her Satan Soul, and says she'll take on Hynhe and Juliet by herself.

Lisanna... I think you need more friends, sweetie.

Monday, July 11, 2016

What Makes Anime Women Strong?

Written by Shiggins

I am geek. Read me rant.

I want a Black Widow movie. I want more of Furiosa and Xena and Ellen Ripley and I want so many other strong women characters to exist in the world of fiction. Luckily, anime provides me with so goddamn many, that I'm spoiled for choice. Revy from Black Lagoon, Usagi from Sailor Moon, Kurisu from Steins;Gate, Erza from Fairy Tail... The list goes on. However, anime and movies have often gone the other route and given us female characters that audiences despise for being "weak" or "useless". So, if you're looking to write a female character, how can you make them a strong character for audiences to enjoy? Well, find out here!

Well, I suppose one easy way to do that is to make your female an f-ing gorgeous genius in stockings... but there are other ways!

Black*Rock Shooter Anime Review

BlackêRock Shooter Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

When you watch a lot of anime, over time you accumulate a number of shows that you’ve heard of, and perhaps have been meaning to check out, but haven’t actually got around to watching. For me, BlackêRock Shooter was one such show, so when I was asked to review it, it was like hitting two birds with one stone. That being said, I knew next to nothing about the show itself, so I was going in completely blind. In hindsight, maybe reading a plot summary first would have helped a bit.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Assassination Classroom Anime Review

Assassination Classroom Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

It’s often said that ‘school days are the best days of your life’. Whilst that’s certainly debatable for most of us, our school days may have been more exciting were our teacher actually an octopus monster with enough power to destroy the Earth. This is exactly the situation that the students of class 3-E find themselves in in Assassination Classroom, a series about (surprisingly) pupils trying to kill their teacher. (Side note: please, please do not try this in real life).

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto Anime Review

Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

There was always that one guy in school. The popular one, the smart one, the one that everyone would describe as ‘cool’. This series is entirely focused around one such guy. No matter the situation, he’s able to overcome any obstacle in his way, and what’s more, he does it with flair. Be it mundane or over-the-top, nothing can keep him down for long. He’s stylish, flamboyant and resourceful. Haven’t you heard? He’s Sakamoto.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Top 20 Fanservice Moments in Anime & Manga

Top 20 Fanservice Moments in Anime & Manga
Written by: ClayDragon & Shiggins
Anime fanservice

Fanservice is a near-universal constant in anime these days. Most shows have at least one episode or scene where the characters (usually female) get into compromising positions, have wardrobe malfunctions, or just straight up forget how to put on half of their clothes. And so (because we want more views), we’ve put together a list of the most memorable fanservice scenes in anime and manga, based on how impactful, memorable and over-the-top they are.

To avoid embarrassing situations, it’s probably best to make sure you’re alone before reading this list.

As is this the case with many of these lists, SPOILER ALERT. You have been warned.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

My Hero Academia Chapter 98: Enter The Dorms Review

                                                             Written by: The Inquisitor

Notice: for those of you who remember me, I will no longer be reviewing Dragon Ball due to how far ahead the anime is, and don't expect a theory article anytime soon. Until then, enjoy these reviews. 

We start with Mama Midoriya giving her son the standard motherly goodbye. Call me, make sure you eat well, etc. We then skip ahead to the students of class 1-A, who are getting their first look at their new home, Heights Alliance. 

Midoriya's got a nice mom. My dad would have thrown my ass in front of the school and say "See ya son, I'll call you eventually, I've got to make sure you're wiping your ass". and then he would drive home and convert my bedroom into a bar

Bleach Chapter 681 - The End Two World/The Seven Deadly Sins Chapter 182 - Unconditional Warmth

Written by: Pomelote

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Big Order Anime Review

Big Order Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

If you could have one wish granted, what would it be? Fame? Money? Power? Unlimited rice pudding? When Big Order’s main character Eiji made a wish ten years before the series started, it resulted in a series of disasters that caused the death of thousands. At the same time, a number of other people around the world had their wishes granted, and these people – named ‘Orders’ – were blamed for the catastrophe. Since this series was written by the same person who wrote Future Diary, there was naturally a bit of excitement when Big Order first aired. So the question is, should you watch it?

Friday, July 1, 2016

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Anime Review

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Anime Review
Written by: ClayDragon

Hands up who here watched/reads Attack on Titan. Most of you? Good (if not, you should probably get on that. It’s quite popular). Now imagine this: Attack on Titan, but with zombies instead of titans. Oh, and steampunk. Lots and lots of steampunk. That’s basically the premise of Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. And as we all know, steampunk makes everything roughly 300% better. Trust me, I’m a scientist.