Written by Shiggins
Surpassing GT, the original series, and even some elements of Z, Dragon Ball Super has blown me away and I have to show my adoration of it somehow. And is there any way better than a Top 10? So without wasting any more time, here are my Top 10 characters introduced in Super.
Characters introduced in Original, Z or GT are not eligible for this list, so you won't be seeing Future Trunks or Frieza here. Also, the two newest films, Battle of Gods and Resurrection F, are being counted in Super canon so you can expect to see them appear on this list.
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This group could literally get an entire arc all to themselves, and I wouldn't say a word against it. |
10. Frost
When the Universe 6 Tournament was about to begin, fans everywhere were constantly spouting out the exact same theory that all the opponents would just be "evil" versions of the characters. We'd have a bad Goku, a bad Vegeta, a bad Buu etc. What we got instead were a great group of misfits with only two of them having any relation to the Universe 7 characters. One was a Saiyan, and the other was a seemingly heroic version of Frieza!
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Frost is so bad. You could almost say he's cold-blooded! |
9. Jaco
First appearing in Resurrection F, Jaco the Galactic Patrolman is an odd duck in this odd series. I was unsure where to put him, but the amount of charm and personality he has was just enough to make him snag the beloved number 9 spot. For those of you who are unaware, Jaco is actually a protagonist of his own short manga series, in which he meets Bulma's sister and tries to leave planet Earth while on a mission.
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Do yourself a favour and buy this manga volume. It's cheap and surprisingly fun. (I own one!) |
8. Zen-Oh
One of the more dividing characters out there, Zen-Oh is by far the most powerful to appear in the entire franchise. Frieza, Buu, Omega Shenron, and even Beerus are considered weak in comparison to this childish monster. Much like Buu, Zen-Oh lives to have fun and doesn't view any of his own actions as malicious or cruel.
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Aww, so cute! He's so adorable and darling and probably has the biggest kill count in fictional history! |
7. Jiren
Goku desired to fight the strongest out there. And for his sins, the strongest came. Almost like a wrench thrown into the workings of Dragon Ball, Jiren feels nothing like the enemies of the past and immediately stands out with his displays of power and attitude towards Goku and every other antagonist in his path.
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I wonder how he escaped Area 51 though... |
6. Cabba
When the Universe 6 Tournament was about to begin, fans everywhere were con... oh, I've said this part already? Okay, well I mentioned the "other Frieza" earlier. Now let's talk about the "other Vegeta". Born on the peaceful planet Sadala, long before the Saiyans became warriors, Cabba's simple and humble design makes him an ideal fit to be considered the main protagonist of Universe 6.
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"Please notice me, Vegeta-senpai!" |
5. Zamasu/Goku Black
After the events of Universe 6, it was time to go back to a more "Z style" arc. Suddenly, Future Trunks is back (with blue hair this time!), and he's come to warn the Z Fighters that an evil Goku is destroying his world! Later of course, we discover that "Goku Black" is actually a Goku from another timeline, possessed by the Supreme Kai known as Zamasu, who is working with another Zamasu from another timeline and... yeah, you can tell this arc divided a lot of people.
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So are you two dating each other? Or does it count as dating yourself? If you kissed, would it feel like kissing your own hand? Does it count as sex or is it just... I'll stop. For now. |
4. Caulifla
If Cabba is the "Other Vegeta", then Caulifla is definitely the "Other Goku". The first official female full-bloodied Saiyan, unless you count Gine and Fasha, Caulifla is an instant standout for long-time fans of the series. Before Caulifla and her protege Kale, the only strong female fighter we really had was Android 18. Now though, we have a full Super Saiyan chick who not only can hold her own in a fight, but loves to!
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3. Whis
It's weird to say this, but the campy food-loving angel with nail make-up had the best scenes in a film about resurrecting Frieza. First appearing in Battle of Gods/God of Destruction Saga, Whis is the attendant and teacher of the great God Beerus. And both those titles combined really make Whis and Beerus' relationship fascinating, the more you think about it.
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I think Whis is about to activate his activate his Shoujo powers. |
2. Hit
Beerus' entrance shattered the expectations of fans as he was revealed to be overwhelmingly more powerful than Goku, but they learned to live with it because he was a literal God. With Hit however, fans never thought they'd see this! A normal assassin from Universe 6 that Goku, to this day, has never actually had a chance to defeat.
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I think he rented that chin from Bruce Campbell. That would explain a lot actually. |
1. Beerus
First, there was Bulma who introduced Goku to the Dragon Balls. After that was Raditz, who introduced Goku to the entire galaxy. And then there was Beerus, who opened up the entire pantheon of Gods and Angels, bringing about shocking changes and amazing twists. All from a position of power, Beerus changed Dragon Ball forever.
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I know you guys wanted a badass Beerus picture but then I found this adorable one and I just... I had to. |
Honourable Mentions:
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Barry Kahn |
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Champa |
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Kale |
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Magetta |
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Toppo |
Born under the stars of the Dark Gods, Shiggins owns the power of the Great Eye and is utterly magnificent in his omniscience. If you dare to discover more about someone as great as him, then go ahead. And to all my friends and family members, YOU are wrong and I should be disappointed! Not the other way round!,. You can find out about him or ask him stuff on ask.fm/shigginsishere or go to his tumblr page http://otakugajeel.tumblr.com/
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