Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 47 Review - The Tyrannic Sticky Dragon

Written by Shiggins

Crazy for coocoo.

As I take a break from my catch-up of Eden's Zero, my attention turns to Fairy Tail once again. And no, the result was not a giant spider of death. What we instead got was a very strong and brutal series that reminds me just how hard Hiro Mashima can get when he's basically got no restraints. It makes me wonder how he'd do without any rules whatsoever. For some reason, I'm picturing a Mashima-style Berserk...

I would make a joke about the internet going on fire over this, but Smash Bros had a reveal today so that job is already done.

Monday, January 13, 2020

First Impressions - Winter 2020

Written by Shiggins

It's cold outside. So stay in and watch anime.

When it comes to first impression articles, I rarely get a chance to actually publish them because I'm needing to earn some money and work and deal with the crippling issues inside my head that I'm too scared to properly confront and manage... Anyway, I finally got to sit down and watch the first episode of a few new anime of 2020 that appealed to me for whatever reason, and here are my immediate thoughts on them. Let's see if I can do this for every season of the year! And if there's any I missed that you'd recommend, don't hesitate to let me know!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 46 Review - White Will

Written by Shiggins

2020 begins with a bang.

As we all struggle to write down 2020 instead of 2019, which I did as I wrote this very sentence, let us all make a resolution to keep reading this manga series and hope I get the Gajeel-Levy-daughter spinoff I always deserved. Oh and let's talk about the new chapter, because these Diabolos guys are really keeping things fun.

I'd like to put this in for the first 2020 meme.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Best of 2019 - Anime

Written by Shiggins

The final victories of the decade.

2019's anime was quite a great bunch, wasn't it? We had shonen, sports, seinen, comedy, and more isekai than was bloody necessary. And this year, I'm putting down my favourite ten! This list is in no particular order, as I just wanted to celebrate the anime we got and not care about any rankings or whatnot. And of course, only anime seasons that started in 2019 are eligible for this list. Enjoy!