Saturday, November 25, 2023

My Worst Anime Villains

A few years ago, I did a Top 20 Anime Villains list, which I'll provide a link for here, because anime is packed to the brim with fantastic antagonists and enemies, like Younger Toguro, Medusa Gorgon and Lord Frieza. So of course, I thought about doing the exact opposite and finding 10 terrible villains I've come to hate, one per series as always. Unfortunately, I've found myself surprisingly struggling to find 10... so here, enjoy me hating on the few I could find! And don't worry, Jellal isn't here.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Biggest Character Downgrades in Anime and Manga

Sometimes, it's not the character being annoying or pathetic that's the problem, but it's how they eventually end up in the story that makes it painful to look at them or go back to the good old days. I'll always respect a writer's choice to do what they want with their own characters, but the ones on this list got me angry, embarrassed or just plain depressed, and so I wanted to share them with you today. And if there's some you believe are missing from this list, don't hesitate to tell me!

I don't know Photoshop, okay?! This is the best I can do!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

How to Fix the MCU's Content Issue - Categories!

"They should cancel it!"

Well they aren't going to, so let that joke and any others like it slide, okay? Once you've done so, join me as we discuss the biggest issues with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the best way I personally think would keep it relevant and easier for fans to handle; through the power of filing, organisation and tighter control!

I really hope his upcoming film tells us if Sam Wilson is the leader of the group. Or if there even is a group that exists anymore. What is going on?!

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Medaka Box is the Messiest Manga I've Ever Loved

Medaka Rox.

Medaka Box is a shonen manga from the distant faraway year of 2009, that ran for four years in Shonen Jump and has maintained a relatively small cult following. Having read it myself a few times now, I can honestly say that Medaka Box is one of the dumbest, strange and awkwardly-written manga I've seen... yet I kinda love it.

Kumagawa is the best. And yes, he could beat Goku.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

My Ranking of Marvel's Phase 4

Phasers set to stunning.

What better time is there to release my sorting of every fudging piece of MCU's phase 4, than when phase 5's second film has been out for nearly two weeks? Don't answer that, it's rhetorical and my ego can't take it. Instead, please focus on the huge HUGE list I spent far too long ranking for no reason but my own hang-ups, and try to enjoy them. Remember, every opinion is unique so don't freak out when you see a few surprising choices.

Note: Phase 4 of the MCU covers everything released by Marvel Studios from 2021 to 2022. From Wandavision and Black Widow, to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I'm Done writing Fairy Tail Reviews... for now.

The inevitable has happened,

If you've been reading my content for a while then you'll know I am a big fan of Fairy Tail. In fact, it's the series I decided to write about when I first started appearing on this blog. Yes, I am NOT the creator of this blog, I am the inheritor of it! But while I did love Fairy Tail, and I do enjoy the 100 Years Quest sequel stuff, I have to make a decision and do what's right for me.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapters 124, 125 & 126 Review

My kind of party.

If you're a long-time reader of my "work" (to use that word lightly), then you'll probably have been able to guess my enjoyment of these chapters already. I'm a big ol' sucker for the goofy and the relaxed, as shown by my love of the Mission Yozakura Family and Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun manga, both of which I could rant about all day and reaaaally should make articles about at some point. And here we are with some more character goofiness, bikinis and... Jellal?! Ugh, worst chapters ever.

Wendy looks like she's 12, bro... Japan strikes again!