Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Scene We all Needed in 2020

 Written by Shiggins

Wholesome goodness.

There's been a lot of anime this year. In fact, I've done my best to forget a ton of them because of how bad they are... Ignoring that however, we've had some real winners too. We've had Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun, a beautiful animated and silly adventure involving a ghost boy that haunts a toilet. There was also Dorohedoro, the bonkers story about a lizard-headed man trying to find his real face, as well as the colourful in every way Deca-Dence, and many more that would take far too long to list. 

And as with every year, we got some of the greats returning as well. Attack on Titan, Haikyuu, Fire Force, No Guns Life, and the focus of today's article; My Hero Academia

Friday, December 18, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 71 and Eden's Zero Chapters 122 and 123 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Theme: A sexy transformation that's in the way.

Yes, today's theme is a difficult one to complain about but not impossible. Both Eden's Zero and Fairy Tail contain characters that transform into something the fans will surely enjoy getting a good look at, but are both done in scenes that aren't the ones I'd rather be focusing on! A subjective complaint, yes, but all of this is subjective. It's a review!! 

Gray has discovered anime.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 70 and Eden's Zero Chapters 120 and 121 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Theme: Perfect girls.

If there's one thing that Mashima-senpai gets right, it's the women. Yes, his overly-enthusiastic tendency to seek out as much fanservice as possible can often distract or even hurt the argument of how great they are, but damn... Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Rebecca, Homura and so many damn others... I love them all! And oh look, another gorgeous vision of loveliness has arrived today! Hooray!


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 69 and Eden's Zero Chapters 118 and 119 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Theme: Things I want to see Mashima-senpai play with.

Maybe I'm just wanting to enjoy myself more these days, or maybe the chapters got the serious upgrade they needed, because I'm walking away with more confidence for the upcoming chapters now thanks to the developments and thingamajigs that were introduced. In fact, it's safe to say I'd be heartbroken and bitching furiously if they weren't played with... Anyway, happy review time!

She keeps getting better! I want one! And I want the claws too!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on the Run is Grim

 Written by Shiggins

Grim Adventures of Spongy and Patrick.

I haven't watched Spongebob Squarepants in a long time. I used to as a kid, and I loved the first movie when it came out in 2004, but then I faded away from it until I checked out the second movie a few months ago, Sponge out of Water, which was surprisingly fun. So earlier this week, I was on Netflix and got quite a surprise when I saw the newest film, Sponge on the Run, was there! I watched it and... It might be the most depressing film experience I've had all year.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 68 and Eden's Zero Chapters 116 and 117 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Theme: Quick fights.

Sorry for the late review, guys. I've been busy, tired, and I was finishing off Spiritfarer. It's so good, guys! You really should check it out! It will also help you feel better as you feel disappointment in the lack of story going on in Fairy Tail. Eden's Zero was okay though.

Hiro Mashima summed up in two lines.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Goku is a Trapped Character

 Written by Shiggins

Goku did it again!

Another day, another chapter of manga that comes out to cause frustration among readers, casual and TrueHardcoreFan alike. And it's the newest Dragon Ball Super chapter that has everyone sick of the main protagonist, Son Goku, and his constant decisions that really do seem to make things worse and worse in every arc. Why is that however?

Jiren, Super Broly and Beerus politely tell you to fuck off, Goku.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 67 and Eden's Zero 114 & 115 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Theme: Briefly name-dropping future villains.

Both Fairy Tail and Eden's Zero decided to give us some teases this time, but with vast differences. Fairy Tail decided to tell us a whole lot of stuff, involving the White Wizard and the new world, while Eden's Zero only had to drop one name to make me interested in what it was going for. There's a massive difference in the skill of writing between these two manga this week, so get ready for quite a jarring review if you read both manga.

Noooo! Come baaaack! I'm not ready for this!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

First Impressions - Fall 2020

 Written by Shiggins

Fall, only to rise.

Last time I did this First Impressions article, it nearly killed me. Maybe that and the combination of shit going on in my life are why this article is so late... but either way, I finally did it and I'm going to give more impressions of what I've watched so far! As always, just the first episode has been watched to see how I do, and thankfully, this season is a lot better than the painful crap last time. Did you see Gibiate?! What a disaster that one was!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 66 and Eden's Zero Chapters 112 and 113 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Theme: On their knees.

Looks like everyone is getting on their knees this week. Maybe Mashima-senpai is just a masochist or sadist? Well, to each their own. I'm an open-minded guy. And it's not like we've not seen worse from the guy. I'm just so surprised we got the connecting theme of "on their knees"... I think I'm going to see if I can make connecting themes a thing from now on.

Eden's Zero is officially good enough to have a chibi cover.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 65 and Eden's Zero Chapters 110 and 111 Review

 Written by Shiggins

One world in, another world out.

As Eden's Zero makes sure to resolve it's issues as quickly as possible to move on to the stuff it would rather talk about, Fairy Tail decides to take the exact opposite route and we're now going to enjoy something very surprising. More important than all that though is that the NaLu daughter is real and exists and must be protected forever! 

I'm so desperate for ship confirmation that I'm actually counting this as a step in the right direction.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Top 10 Dragon Ball Z Abridged Episodes

Written by Shiggins

Well it might not be their anniversary just yet, but I wanted to make an article to remember the extremely popular and hilarious "Dragon Ball Z Abridged" series, made by the hard-working gang of creative types known as Team Four Star. And what better way than a Top 10? So without further ado or ceremony, let's go over what I consider the Top 10 best episodes!

Oh, and for those who don't know, the Team Four Star crew consists of Scott "KaiserNeko" Frerichs, Nick "Lanipator" Landis, Curtis "Takahata101" Arnott, Lawrence "MasakoX" Simpson, Anthony "Antfish" Sardinha, Corinne "Megami33" Sudberg, Kirran "yourMoonstone" Somerlade, Cliff "AinTunez" Weinstein, Grant "MasterWuggles" Smith, and Tyler Koi. As well as a buttload of collaborators and such that I encourage you to check out too, and I would list here but that would basically end up being the entire article. 

Note: This does not include the Kai episodes, the Shortz or the movies and specials. Only the 60 episodes and the prologue are considered for this list. Also, to keep as much of a variety as possible, I've tried not to include episodes connected directly to each other.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 64 and Eden's Zero Chapters 108 and 109 Review

 Written by Shiggins

Water everywhere.

I suppose the theme for this review is "everyone has water on them". I'd say "everyone gets wet" but... I don't think I should. What we have here is a very divisive collection, I'm sure, and it all depends on your personal tastes. Is the picture below going too far or not far enough? Is Eden's Zero not telling you enough, or too much at once? Your answers will define who you are for the rest of your life.

Relax, guys. It's not puke. It's just water.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 63 and Eden's Zero Chapters 106 and 107

 Written by Shiggins

Relax, don't do it. When you want to sock to it...

I'm going back to work this week. The paid work, not this work. If I got paid for this, I'd be here forever but unfortunately, I have to return to the real world eventually. Yuck. Anyway, Hiro Mashima-senpai must have known that and so he has gifted unto me, and you guys too I suppose, some nice and relaxing chapters to make me feel at ease. Thank you, I love them!

Moments like this are why I read manga.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 62 & Eden's Zero Chapter 105 Review

 Written by Shiggins

New horizons.

In a welcome change of pace, both chapters this time involves actions that are going to bring us to new places we've yet to experience. In Fairy Tail's case, it's putting an end to an arc that started in June 2019, with the battle itself starting last April! And in Eden's Zero, we're doing what travelling plots do best and introducing a new area. And damn, I wish I could go somewhere new right now...

Oh I wish, I wish I could squish that fish.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Nanatsu no Taizai - Manga Review

Written by Shiggins

Running from 2012 to 2020, Nanatsu no Taizai (The Seven Deadly Sins) ran in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine, and was written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki, also known for the 3 year manga Kongō Banchō, and no I have no idea what that's like. And now that it's been a couple of months and my feelings won't be affected by close proximity to the series ending, I figured now was as good a time as any to go back and see how the series did overall. Especially since the sequel-spinoff is currently in the works.

Note: Some spoilers ahead, but I did my best to make sure there was as few as possible for newcomers. Also, this is a review of the manga, not the anime. So voice actors, animation and such do not apply to this article. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 61 & Eden's Zero Chapters 103 and 104 Review

Written by Shiggins

Spikes and speeches.

It's crazy how different the two Mashima projects I'm talking about today are. One is full of action and madness, as near the end of an entire encounter against a massive monster. The other is full of speeches and reveals as we begin a whole new chapter of the adventure. Luckily, we're not going to compare the two since that would be unfair. Especially since one has a bath scene...

God, I have to re-read the Edge Chronicles. (To the 10 people who know that series, how awesome were those sky ships?!)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

First Impressions - Summer 2020

Written by Shiggins

Am I late?

I don't know days anymore! What year is it?! WHERE AM I?! The days go on and on and I'm stuck here in this void of time where misery and monotony skip hand-in-hand as this cycle never ends! ....Anyway, let's talk about some of the new anime that started this season and if any are worth sticking with! Yay, anime! I'm fine! Ha ha ha! I'm totally fine!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 60 & Eden's Zero Chapters 101 and 102 Review

Written by Shiggins

Big changes!

Well, I said I was going to do it and here we are. One review, both properties of Hiro Mashima! Hopefully enough people read these so it's worth doing, because these two mangas are constantly giving me more and more to talk about. So please read, share, subscribe, click the bell, sign the contract, create a password, answer the confirmation email and light the beacons! Here we go!

Yes! It's clobberin' time!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Another Top 20 Fanservice Moments in Anime and Manga

Written by Shiggins

Did you know that the first version of this list is the website's most popular article in it's entire history? Because it is! Consistently read to this very day (thank you so much, guys. It actually does mean a lot to me), and it even got stolen by another website once because some people are arseholes who can do nothing but leech off of others. So with a list as popular as that, I felt it was only fitting to cheer up your summer by adding 20 more!

Just to be clear, this is 20 different anime and manga than the others in the previous list. So if a series is missing here, please check out the previous list. And remember, as always, it's one per series. Also, this is a very naughty list so please ask for permission before clicking it. Thank you and enjoy!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 59 Review - Gears of Fate

Written by Shiggins

A quick note before we begin.

Now that Eden's Zero's most recent arc, the Belial Gore arc, has finished and been reviewed by me, I can now add all EZ reviews to my Fairy Tail reviews. So please be on the lookout for those, we'll see if they work and if it's worth me keeping those reviews going, and hopefully everyone has a good time. And now, onto the review!

Actually.... that gear design is awesome. Jellal, keep it! I want that too!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Eden's Zero Review - The Belial Gore Arc

Written by Shiggins

With Eden's Zero now having finished it's biggest arc yet, it might finally be time for me to begin reviewing the series' chapters as they are released. Before that however, let's fill out my Mashima history checklist and take a look back to see how the entire Belial Gore arc worked from start to finish, and if it holds up as one big package. This review starts from chapter 69 and ends at chapter 100.

Full spoilers ahead.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 58 Review - Ice and Water

Written by Shiggins

This show needs to chill!

Sometimes, you need a chapter like this. One that is so absolutely insane and utterly ridiculous that it's almost everything you wanted without even realising it at the time. Today's chapter is embracing the side of Fairy Tail that is always a treat... Basically, I'm trying to pass on to you all that this chapter is batshit crazy and that's a great thing!

Juvia is a treasure trove for the out-of-context explorers out there.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Top 20 Fairy Tail Fights

Written by Shiggins

Magic Mania.

I wanted a perfect top 20 for the summer, and it doesn't get more perfect than this. Not only is it Fairy Tail, which is basically my signature dish, but it's about fighting. And with the world the way it is and my country still being in lockdown, there's nothing I want to do more than kick someone's face in! RAH! Here's the top 20 battles of Fairy Tail! Spoilers be damned!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapters 56 and 57 Review - Reliable Friends and The Power to Live

Written by Shiggins

My break is over!

It's amazing how much a small time away can recharge the batteries and give someone new energy, isn't it? It's even better when the first thing I get to work on is a double review of Fairy Tail, and those chapters bring a smile to my face. Hooray, something to actually enjoy in this world!

Yes she it is.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer - Final Chapter Review

Written by Shiggins

A beautifully bizarre choice.

I know I haven't reviewed the manga or the anime before, but I'm a human being (technically). And because I'm a human being, I fell in love with Demon Slayer last year. I read the entire manga as soon as I saw the first season, and I have no shame in saying that it is easily one of Shonen Jump's greatest. So because of that, I want to talk about the final chapter that has come up.

Note: FULL SPOILERS for the final chapter, and the complete manga. Do not read past this sentence unless you have read all of the manga!!

To avoid spoilers for the anime-only watchers, here is the cover of Volume 1 instead!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Scoob! - Movie Review

Written by Shiggins


I always loved Scooby-Doo, and I probably always will. I grew up with reruns of the 1969 original and I've always made sure to at least check out some of the newer iterations over the years, including What's New, Scooby Doo? and Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated. On top of that, I still own my favourite movie of the franchise, Scooby Doo and the Zombie Island, and I think I have the old Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase PS1 video game lying around somewhere, so it's probably safe to say I've got some nostalgia for the franchise. And that is very much to the film's benefit... and determent. 

Note: Some light spoilers.

Awful title, by the way. Awful.

Friday, May 8, 2020

BNA: Brand New Animal - Anime Review

Written by Shiggins

Prohare? Infurno Cop? Little Wolf Academia? I can go on.

Trigger is back with 12 episodes of their own animal-people anime, which coincidentally came out just a few months after the debut of Beastars. So either there is a trend starting in Japan focusing on anthropomorphic people, the furry community has gotten stronger than we realised, or we have a Antz/Bugs Life scenario going on here. Well, I don't know about any of that but I do know I've now seen both and BNA... well, it's certainly no Beastars.

Note: This is a spoiler-free review.

Despite the title swapping the NBA letters round and the big orb on the poster, basketball is never relevant. Ever. Weird, right?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapter 55 Review - Fate of Death

Written by Shiggins

Kick some grass.

Have I used that pun before? Probably. Am I going to use it and many more again? See previous answer. Maybe reading them will bring some joy to you all during this difficult time, just like saying them does to me. Probably not so let's move on and wonder if this entire arc about fighting trees is secretly a metaphor for how humanity is giving in to progress, and how nature will fight back if we continue to abuse and mistreat it... It's not a metaphor for that but imagine it is anyway.

I suddenly realised that, no matter what happens in this sequel, I am never going to fear for their lives. I mean, even less than before.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

How I Came to Hate the Ōtsutsuki

Written by Shiggins

It's been a while since I bitched about something, hasn't it? Sure, I've made complaints in some Fairy Tail reviews recently but that's just some light griping about the current situation of a manga I truly enjoy. No, this article is not that. This is me sitting down and not being gentle, devoting an entire article to being negative. Recently, I was super-positive about Jiren. Now it's time to be super-negative about the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Warning: Spoilers for Naruto and Boruto ahead.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 54 Review - God Seeds

Written by Shiggins

One-Elemental Four?

If your story is in trouble, you can have worse ideas than bring in new faces to cause trouble for a one-time encounter. Make them big, design them well and you'll end up making the road to the conclusion a lot easier. It worked when the Ginyu Force came along and, for the most part, it looks like it's worked here too. Hooray! Positivity!

Eden's Zero's king plus wood... I shall name him Twiggy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why I Love Jiren

Written by Shiggins

I prefer "Grey" over "Gray" but whatever...

Let's not mince words here; Jiren seems to be nobody's favourite Dragon Ball antagonist. In fact, he's often seen by many as one of the least impressive in every area except power level. And speaking as a huge fan of the franchise, that's never sat right with me, but I've never been able to understand why... until today. So take a read, fellow geeks and nerds, as I decide to dive into the mental world of Jiren the Grey and see if there really is more to the muscled Area 51 resident than we all initially realised, or if he is just a "wall" that Goku has to overcome.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Chapters 52 and 53 Review - Mind-Reading Trees and Precious Curse

Written by Shiggins


It's a real shame these chapters are as long as a typical weekly chapter, since it really renders my reviews shorter than I feel is right for a double-review. I suppose it makes them easier to review, but for the sake of pacing and development, I think I'll always be wishing for longer chapters until we go back to weekly, if that ever happens again. Anyway, no point going on about that yet again. If you remember, I wasn't very positive in my last review and this time I'm... not as bad.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

First Impressions - Spring 2020

Written by Shiggins

You can't go out, so stay at home and watch anime.

Despite the issues in the real world, anime doesn't take a break and has saw fit to bring out the new anime of the season. And like I did with Winter 2020, let's take a look at everything Spring 2020 has brought out. Some are great, some are... what's the opposite of great? Oh right, Tamayomi.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Marvel Cinematic Universe - The Infinity Saga Ranked

Written by Shiggins

Disney+ has finally arrived in the UK, I'm trapped in my house, so I might as well take this time to finally write the article I was originally going to release alongside Black Widow, but then every film got delayed and so here we are... 23 movies, starting 2008 and ending in 2019, all about the world of Marvel and the heroes created in it to take on the massive gallery of villains. From Iron Man to Spider-Man: Far from Home, let's figure out which was the best and which was... the least-best. I like them all!

Obvious note: Some spoilers ahead, and only films are included. So no Daredevil here, sadly.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Onward - Movie Review

Written by Shiggins

More of Pixar's magic.

As every movie out there is getting delayed and we're entering the new Dark Age of Doom, I can do nothing else for you except recommend that, if you do gather your courage enough to see something in the cinema, make sure you see Onward. It might sound ridiculous to say this but... Pixar, you did it again! Again-again-again.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 51 Review - Roaring Earth

Written by Shiggins


With Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest going back to fortnightly-monthly releases, I suppose a chapter like this was inevitable. Not only does it try to kill the fun story we've been enjoying so far, but now we're going to have for literal weeks to continue it! Oh no, are we stuck in another Mercuphobia situation already?!

That broom has officially had more screentime than Romeo. And I hate that.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapters 49 and 50 Review - The Last Orb and The Wood Dragon God's Secret

Written by Shiggins

Well... she ain't no Fire-God-Senku.

It's crazy to realise this, but this arc on top of a giant wooden dragon is still going! And I've enjoyed it for the majority of it's time on this grey Earth, but it's certainly been a long one. We've fought Fairy Tail members, dragon eaters, witches possessing Exceeds and we've still got more to go! I might be the only person in the world to say this, but I hope we get some good downtime filler after this arc ends because the pace is crazy today!

Oh please don't lead into a Zou arc...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hero's - Manga Review

Written by Shiggins

On your left.

Crossovers are a lot of fun, aren't they? Characters you've enjoyed in their own worlds finally meeting each other in a unique situation, their personalities and egos clashing to create conflict, and depending on the story, they either team up to take on the other enemies that probably caused their meeting in the first place, or they fight to the death. In this 10 chapter series, Hiro Mashima decided to give us his own crossover, with his three biggest series Rave Master, Fairy Tail, and the currently-running Eden's Zero. It's a very cute and charming idea, but did he possibly make a mistake?

Note: Spoilers ahead.

The use of that apostrophe really upsets me...

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) - Movie Review

Written by Shiggins

A chick(en) flick! Birds!

With the exception of some casting choices remaining the same throughout the movies, I think it's safe to declare the DCEU officially dead. And honestly, it's clearly for the better. Movies like Aquaman, Shazam, Wonder Woman and now Birds of Prey are great proof that sometimes, it's better to have a solo adventure and ignore the complications of being part of a larger universe. Especially since a story like this would raise so many questions otherwise, such as "Where is Batman during all this?" or "Why would this Harley Quinn ever stoop so low as to date Jared Leto's Joker?"

Gotta say though, I really don't like the posters.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Eden's Zero Review - The Sun Jewel Arc

Written by Shiggins

An arc that shines?

Spanning from chapter 49 to 68, the Sun Jewel Arc almost feels like the conclusion of Eden's Zero's first major quest; Finding the four Shining Stars. We've had Witch, Sister and Hermit, with Hermit easily taking the prize for best arc so far at this point, so I think most of us was expecting another "Do the thing to get the person on our party" arc. Instead we got... something better, I'd say.

Note: SPOILERS for the Sun Jewel Arc.

That's just an assault on the eyes.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 48 Review - Fifth Generation Dragon Force

Written by Shiggins

Ghost in the... girl?

Yeah, I couldn't think of a decent pun there so I just gave up. Hopefully, that's the only disappointment you experience in this review, as we take a look at returning faces, scary faces and faces getting a surprising amount of violence brought upon them. So sit back, relax, and get your face ready.

Did we ever get to see Wendy train in martial arts? Was it Roshi or Jiraiya? Or... Yamchaaaaa?

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 47 Review - The Tyrannic Sticky Dragon

Written by Shiggins

Crazy for coocoo.

As I take a break from my catch-up of Eden's Zero, my attention turns to Fairy Tail once again. And no, the result was not a giant spider of death. What we instead got was a very strong and brutal series that reminds me just how hard Hiro Mashima can get when he's basically got no restraints. It makes me wonder how he'd do without any rules whatsoever. For some reason, I'm picturing a Mashima-style Berserk...

I would make a joke about the internet going on fire over this, but Smash Bros had a reveal today so that job is already done.

Monday, January 13, 2020

First Impressions - Winter 2020

Written by Shiggins

It's cold outside. So stay in and watch anime.

When it comes to first impression articles, I rarely get a chance to actually publish them because I'm needing to earn some money and work and deal with the crippling issues inside my head that I'm too scared to properly confront and manage... Anyway, I finally got to sit down and watch the first episode of a few new anime of 2020 that appealed to me for whatever reason, and here are my immediate thoughts on them. Let's see if I can do this for every season of the year! And if there's any I missed that you'd recommend, don't hesitate to let me know!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Chapter 46 Review - White Will

Written by Shiggins

2020 begins with a bang.

As we all struggle to write down 2020 instead of 2019, which I did as I wrote this very sentence, let us all make a resolution to keep reading this manga series and hope I get the Gajeel-Levy-daughter spinoff I always deserved. Oh and let's talk about the new chapter, because these Diabolos guys are really keeping things fun.

I'd like to put this in for the first 2020 meme.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Best of 2019 - Anime

Written by Shiggins

The final victories of the decade.

2019's anime was quite a great bunch, wasn't it? We had shonen, sports, seinen, comedy, and more isekai than was bloody necessary. And this year, I'm putting down my favourite ten! This list is in no particular order, as I just wanted to celebrate the anime we got and not care about any rankings or whatnot. And of course, only anime seasons that started in 2019 are eligible for this list. Enjoy!